Ameri IT Group

7 Ways on How to Secure Your Devices From Hackers


Cyber security is very important for all businesses to guard themselves from any external crime or attack. With the ever-increasing ways of breaching data, it is of prime importance to safeguard any data present online. Here are the 7 Ways on How to Secure Your Devices From Hacker:
1. Use a firewall:
Firewalls are programs that isolate your data from the outside world and are embedded with Windows and macOS. Firewalls shield your company’s network against unwanted access and notify you of any harmful attempts. It is always advised to activate Firewall before accessing the internet. Depending on your broadband router, which also includes a built-in firewall to safeguard your network, you may also buy a hardware firewall from businesses like Cisco, etc.
2. Use an anti-virus software:
Malware and computer viruses are prevalent. Antivirus software shields your computer against malicious malware and other applications that might endanger your operating system. By identifying real-time threats and safeguarding your data, antivirus software is crucial to protecting your computer. Some cutting-edge antivirus solutions provide automated updates, further safeguarding your computer against the fresh threats that surface daily.
3. Install an anti-spyware package:
Spyware is a distinct type of software that discreetly watches and gathers data from individuals or businesses. It tends to produce unwanted adverts or search results that are meant to send you to certain websites and is built to be difficult to detect and delete. Some spyware captures each keystroke in order to acquire passwords and other sensitive financial data. Real-time security is provided by anti-spyware products, which examine all incoming data and thwart threats.
4. Secure your network:
Most routers do not equip with the greatest levels of security enabled. When configuring your network, access the router and enter a password using an encrypted, safe setup. This stops hackers from accessing your network and changing your settings.
5. Use encryption:
Even if cybercriminals gain access to your network and files, encryption can prevent them from accessing any of that information. You can encrypt your Windows or macOS hard drive, encrypt any USB flash drive that contains sensitive information and use a VPN to encrypt web traffic. Only shop at encrypted websites; you can spot them immediately by the “https” in the address bar, accompanied by a closed-padlock icon.
6. Switch Bluetooth off:
Switch off Bluetooth when not in use. Maintaining your Bluetooth while not using it gives hackers another entry point.
7. Avoid using unprotected free WiFi:
Widely used, password-free Wi-Fi networks have no security protections. They are therefore excellent targets for cybercriminals.